As the camera looks over a ledge on the side of a mountain in to the late afternoon or early evening horizon, a hand quickly pops up and hoists Character A on to the platform. He is a small, cute, swift, fox-like creature. When he regains his composure, and takes a few breaths, he looks up. The camera pivots to show that there is still quite a distance on his climb. Although he remains a bit fatigued and out of breath, he continues his lengthy climb.
After an extremely short montage of Character A climbing the side of the mountain, he finally reaches the top and exposes the caldera of the volcano. He spots the trinket that he spent so much energy searching for, but when he looks around, he spots Character B. Character B is a cute, innocent, goofy, bird-like creature that is completely unaware of his surroundings, and is slowly pecking on shiny stones as he approaches the trinket. Character A shifts, and makes a noise, which catches Character B’s attention. They both look at the other awkwardly, then they simultaneously look back at the trinket. In a split second Character A jumps toward Character B. Character B picks up the trinket. Once they start tumbling around, a short volcano burst comes from a geyser hole, and blows both characters up into the clouds, along with the trinket.
Up in the clouds, they tumble and fight for a moment, comically able to walk on the clouds. The trinket is accidentally dropped mid fight, and both characters try to grab for it, while attacking the other character. Everything freezes, and the camera moves to show exactly what is happening at that moment. The trinket is falling in mid air. Character A has one hand reaching for the trinket with a comedic look of horror, and the other hand is trying to push Character A out of the way. Character B has one hand reaching for the trinket, the other hand is thrown out wildly, and his face is being pushed away by Character A’s hand.
The scene resumes, and everything drops out of the clouds. The two characters hit the ground by a pond with a thump. As a dust cloud disperses, a small splash sound is heard. The two characters sit up quickly, and look over a small log into the pond. Then, “bloop,” the trinket plops up to the surface and floats there quietly. After a second or two, a fish leaps up and swallows the trinket, and the two characters look at each other in defeat.
The credits roll. After the credits, a small scene appears at night with both characters sitting on the log, cooking the fish on a fire.
****Edit: We have changed the ending.
The scene resumes, and everything drops out of the clouds. The two characters hit the ground by the original ledge. Rather than having the trinket fall into a pond, we have decided to have the trinket fall into the geyser. Character B, who is now more quail-like, jumps into the geyser after the trinket. The geyser explodes, and character B flies out as a cooked trinket, falls onto debris from the geyser shapes like a plate, and the trinket falls on it like a garnish. Character A just watches all of this in shock, and the credits roll.
****Edit: We have changed the ending.
The scene resumes, and everything drops out of the clouds. The two characters hit the ground by the original ledge. Rather than having the trinket fall into a pond, we have decided to have the trinket fall into the geyser. Character B, who is now more quail-like, jumps into the geyser after the trinket. The geyser explodes, and character B flies out as a cooked trinket, falls onto debris from the geyser shapes like a plate, and the trinket falls on it like a garnish. Character A just watches all of this in shock, and the credits roll.